Christine, Author of One Small Bag

“The lighter the load, the more joyous the trip”

Travel has been part of my life for over 40 years. It’s now time for me to record some of my memories and photos. This blog will help me remember my adventures and I hope you find it useful too.

While I have travelled to over 60 countries, my main interest is UK and European trave where I have travelled extensively. I’m currently writing up trip details from the Baltics and some of the Balkan countries, based on recent trips, Expect that soon., along with various posts from my homebase UK. Beer from around the UK and the world may also feature too!

Why One Small Bag?

I like to jump off that plane, train or bus without delay and without carting a heavy bag about or finding somewhere to dump it. I just don’t want stuff getting in the way of my fun!

My travel bag of choice is usually a 20L day pack, ideally weighing in below 6kg, when packed. This applies whether I’m travelling for business or pleasure and generally includes a laptop as my software consultancy business and general tech geekiness, seldom leave me for long.

Not only does travelling with less make my life easier, but it also saves me money. As a budget conscious traveller, I’m happy to share with you, details of costs of my trips. If you think travel is out of your reach, take a look, Hopefully I can inspire you!

How do you pack so little? and what’s in your bag? are questions I’m often asked so One Small Bag seemed a perfect blog title and there will be more coming on this topic, for sure!

Happy Adventures!
