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If you would like tips on light packing, packing and ideas for European adventures, please subscribe!

one small bag travel blog cabin zero

About Me

Hello! Welcome to my blog! Thanks for visiting – I hope you’re enjoying it!

My name is Christine. I live in beautiful Yorkshire, UK. I grew up in London and South East England and spent many years in Cambridge. I’m an IT consultant, fortunate enough to travel with work for the last 30 years. Oh and traveling is my hobby too! If I’m not on a trip, I’m usually planing one and helping other people too,

I hope this blog inspires you to visit underrated and more unusual destinations in Europe. With some of the popular places becoming so over-touristed, now is the time to look beyond the obvious.

As a frequent traveler, I’ve also learned to pack light. That inspired the blog title. So plenty to share on this too.

My next challenge is to visit every European Country. I have Belarus and Moldova on my ‘to do’ list, to finish. So do look out for that!

Christine x

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